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Good Privacy Can be a Competitive Advantage for Online Networks

January 25, 2013

Good Privacy Can be a Competitive Advantage for Social Networks

People who claim privacy is dead in this age of digital sharing are just plain wrong. Social networking sites demonstrate that people do differ in what they are freely willing to make public. But what we all have in common is that no one wants to give up ultimate control over their personal information. We want to choose what gets shared and with whom. It also protects our reputation not only in our personal lives, but also in our daily work.

Not too long ago, Facebook hit an incredible milestone – one billion users. That means roughly one in seven people on this planet now have a Facebook account. Yet Facebook has a problem. More recently, Facebook announced it would stop using controversial facial recognition technology in Europe in response to concerns expressed by privacy advocates and data protection authorities. the company appears to be giving privacy more consideration in certain areas, including providing clearer, more understandable information to members on various personal information handling practices.

Google is another company which had to admit it had collected data from unsecured wireless networks as its cars were photographing streetscapes for its Street View map service in Canada and around the globe.

A lot of trouble and grief would be saved all around if organizations built the concern for privacy into their innovation cycle. We need to find ways to make organizations more accountable; organizations need to be more proactive and to build privacy in at the front end. This is the way to being competitive and maintaining consumer trust.

From a communications and marketing point of view, consider the advantages of showcasing your privacy safeguards in advance, rather than having to apologize for their absence in the aftermath. Good privacy can be a competitive advantage. It can help build trust with consumers and citizens.

Sudi Nour

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